Well this is surely an interesting and thoroughly fascinating read. Henry Rollins, known to many as the iconic frontman of Black Flag and arguably to more as that crazy guy with all the tattoos on IFC, celebrated his 50th birthday back in February. As a birthday gift to Henry, a collection of letters from his fans, who have been inspired by all that Rollins has come to represent over the years, were sent to him as an electronic document. Now you can read those letters.
Over the next couple of months, It's Not Just Pie In The Sky will be revealing each letter, one post at a time, everyday. As the website states, “this collective was inspired by Henry Rollins and his candid and well documented journey of freedom.” Some posts are artistic portraits of the man himself, others are extremely personal confessions about parental abuse and overcoming cancer. The overriding theme however, is that Henry Rollins means so much more to many fans than just his music.
In other Rollins news, according to Reuters, the man will soon be hosting “Animal Underworld” for National Geographic’s Nat Geo Wild. The show, which “looks at people who collect, eat and revere exotic and not-so-exotic animals” will begin as a three-episode run. Rollins and exotic animals. Sounds awesome.
Also need to mention that you can catch Henry Rollins here in New York City on June 23rd, where he'll be interviewing Dinosaur Jr. live on stage at Terminal 5. Dinosaur Jr. will be playing Bug in its entirety. Tickets, for some godforsaken reason, are still on sale.
Thanks for posting this - it's so great to read how one man inspired and helped so many people over the years.